Today I have one of my favorite assignments for you … it’s to set a goal bucket list!

Not a forever bucket list, but one for the rest of this year.

Doing this will help you SKYROCKET your motivation…

Because your brain is hardwired to like new, fun, and different things.

When you try something new – or take up a new challenge – it fires up the “feel good” part of your brain.

This is a pretty nifty hack to keep your motivation levels high.

Here it is: factor “novelty” into your goal equation!

When you do this, it can keep you moving forward and excited about continuing with your goals and healthy habits.

Here are a few ideas of what I’m talking about:

  • Eat a plant-based diet for an entire week (or month!)
  • Do a recipe challenge where you cook 2-3 new meals (from scratch) every week.
  • Be able to hold a plank for 2 minutes
  • Challenge yourself to one week without any added sugar
  • Meditating every day for one month and journal your progress

The list of ideas is endless!

The whole point is to try NEW, FUN things that support a healthy lifestyle.